"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." George Orwell
In the evolution of ideas , human species moves through several stages. First, they start a system (for example a religion). The start is usually revolutionary but as time goes by people make those hypotheticals and frameworks rigid ways of life. At this point, life is completely sucked out of the system. Doing the “right thing” become more important because everything else is “wrong”. People at this stage, are usually obnoxious and loud because they are doing the “right thing” and everybody else is wrong. At this point, beauty and creativity of life is completely lost. Life is beautiful only because of the infinite ways to do things. And when this infinite complexity is dumbed down to few absolute rules, the whole point of living is gone.
At this point in human history we enter into a phase of rigidity. A rigidity to the ideas but a deep sense that something is not right. People wonder although we are "right" but why we are still unhappy.Then a breakthrough happens and the ideas are changed. As our lives are becoming more and more complicated, these breakthroughs are becoming less and less common. At some point, these breakthroughs will stop happening. At that point, the existing forces (of the system/idea ) will be too strong for any new idea to flourish. So there will be no new idea. Human species at that point will suffocate. Suffocate by the burden of “righteousness” That would be the real orwellian world… I think we are halfway there…