"Art is not entertainment. Art is not luxury goods. Art is culture. It is you and I." Paige Bradley
"From the moment we are born, the world tends to have a
container already built for us to fit inside: A social security number, a gender,
a race, a profession or an I.Q. I ponder if we are more defined by the
container we are in, rather than what we are inside. Would we
recognize ourselves if we could expand beyond our bodies?
Would we still be able to exist if we were authentically 'un-contained'?
Paige Bradley
"Evolution" As we contemplate the timeline of our life, we have to ask if we are we truly evolving into a more spiritual and free
human being, or are we even more encumbered by
attachments to our desires. Aging does not necessarily give
me the wisdom to evolve into a better human being. All I
know is that I must stretch this portal open and see the
truth for myself. Paige Bradley |
"Freedom Bound"
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