Sunday, June 23, 2013

" Talent means nothing in this game."

Jack:  "Listen, tell me something. Tell me something. All the years you've been doing this, what's the biggest gamble you ever took? On a job. You know, biggest long shot."

Nick:  "I don't take long shots."

Jack: "Look, I know you're careful. You know, I'm careful too. That's not what I mean. I mean, you know, when you were starting out, when you were just getting going, you must have taken some fliers here and there, done something that was a little wild. I'm just curious"

Nick:  "Never took long shots.  I'm gonna say something to you. You're smart, you're talented and you know a few things but talent means nothing in this game if you don't make the right choices. There's plenty of talented people out there who will never see the light of day anymore. Last thing: It takes discipline because this whole game is one big long shot and if you don't have the discipline to stay away from the fliers or from the gambles or whatever else you wanna call a stupid move then, my friend, I'm afraid to say, one day you will go down. It's inevitable. 

You want my advice? Make a list of everything you want now and then plan on spending the next 25 years of your life getting it. Slowly, piece by piece"

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